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End of Heart Work Heroes Rotterdam, on to the auction!

After weeks of fantastic reactions, thousands of selfies with the images and a lot of publicity, the Heart Work Heroes exhibition came to an end. What's next? Will we see them again, will they be sold?

Rotterdam residents disagree

While collecting the images, we repeatedly received the comment, 'Hey, where are you going with those images?' It was not appreciated that they were already taken out of the city and that is of course a nice compliment. Don't worry, before the statues are auctioned (October 13, 2022), the Heroes will return to the city again. This time in a beautiful indoor location. A unique opportunity to see all the images together once. We will keep the location a secret for a while, but we will soon share it via our socials.

'Hey! Where are you going with those images?'

Preparing the auction Ultimately, it is of course about raising as much money as possible during the auction from the sale of the images. We can use the proceeds to motivate young people to choose a career in healthcare. This means that the statues have to be prepared and that we have to inform everyone about the auction dinner on October 13, 2022. It promises to be a fantastic evening led by Joris Lutz, where everyone who manages to get a seat can view one of the unique works of art. can buy. For more information, please contact



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