We know by now that healthcare workers are heroes, but what about the next generation? Are they the heroes of the future?

At Heart Work Heroes, we certainly think so! In primary and secondary education, there is still too little focus on healthcare. We want to change this with Heart Work Heroes. In collaboration with enthusiastic healthcare workers, we visit schools to share the stories of these heroes, aiming to inspire the youth for a future in healthcare.
The experiences of those in healthcare, who deal with life and death, often trigger young people to consider a career in this field.
Striking the Right Chord
Heart Work Heroes aims to reach the youth by having real healthcare professionals share their stories in schools. These professionals can inspire students with a passion for healthcare to choose this path through their narratives. Heart Work Heroes believes that these beautiful stories need to be told, and if even one student decides to pursue a career in healthcare after a classroom visit, it has been worthwhile. Of course, it doesn't stop there for HWH, as that one student is just the beginning.